Find a film, a poem, a novel, a short story, a picture, an animation, a song, a video clip or any other artifact that u think it tells something about the Other Adult Learner and comment upon it. How this Other Adult Learner is imagined or 'described'? Reflect on how u, as an adult educator, could relate to this adult(s).
Forum post 4
The notion of “other” means when a person is different from the group, and they are not accepted by the group. To illustrate this point, let me share with you my school experience. I attached a photo of my class-11 grade. There you will see a blonde boy in glasses, who is Albino. His name is Enes Gutyeres Eulohio. He is “the other” in many ways: set of genes, nationality, religion, giftedness. As Dr Zuleika Zevallos (2011) gives a very good explanation of how otherness is constructed through the concept of “social identities”. She claims that “social identities reflect the way individuals and groups internalise established social categories within their societies, such as their cultural (or ethnic) identities, gender identities, class identities, and these social categories shape our ideas about who we think we are, how we want to be seen by others, and the groups to which we belong”.
Zevallos, Z. (2011). What is Otherness?