29 Oct

Which of the learning theories u think is closer to what learning means personally to you? What are its strong points and its possible weaknesses?

Forum post 2

Having read Mattar (2018) and especially McLeod (2019), I realised constructivism is closer to me. It focuses on authentic tasks which are extremely important for teaching English as a foreign language and its focus on constructing meaning is crucial for teaching Critical thinking; I teach both these two subjects, so I am certainly interested in exploring learning theories which are more relevant to what I do.
As for its strong points, McLeod (2019) mentions that it is student-centered, and pursuit of student questions and interests is valued. With respect to its weaknesses, McLeod (2019) identified a contradiction in this theory. On one hand, it assumes that learning is socially constructed, and on the other hand, learning is personal. Next, this theory is mostly related to face-to-face education, but now times have changed, and perhaps this learning theory needs reconsideration regarding online learning. As Siemens (2008, quoted in Mattar 2018), claims that technological development and social software considerably change how learners get access to information and knowledge and collaborate with their teachers and peers.

Mattar, J. (2018). Constructivism and connectivism in education technology: Active, situated, authentic, experiential, and anchored learning. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 21(2), 201-217.

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